Freedom of Connection – Freedom of Expression: The Changing and Regulatory Ecology Shaping the Internet
Esse relatório fornece uma nova perspectiva sobre as dinâmicas sociais e políticas por trás de ameaças à liberdade de expressão. Ele desenvolve um quadro conceitual sobre a “ecologia da liberdade de expressão” para discutir o contexto amplo de políticas e práticas que deveriam ser levadas em consideração nas discussões sobre essa questão. Esse quadro estrutura uma síntese original da pesquisa empírica e estudos de caso de tendências técnicas, legais e regulatórias. Estes incluem desenvolvimentos em seis áreas inter-relacionadas que focalizam em: iniciativas técnicas, relacionadas à conexão e desconexão, como filtro de conteúdo, direitos digitais, políticas industriais e regulação, usuários, políticas e práticas de rede e segurança.
This report provides a new perspective on the social and political dynamics behind these threats to expression. It develops a conceptual framework on the ‘ecology of freedom of expression’ for discussing the broad context of policy and practice that should be taken into consideration in discussions of this issue. This framework structures an original synthesis of empirical research and case studies of selected technical, legal and regulatory trends. These include developments in six inter-related arenas that focus on: technical initiatives, related to connection and disconnection, such as content filtering; digital rights, including those tied directly to freedom of expression and censorship, but also indirectly, through freedom of information, and privacy and data protection; industrial policy and regulation, including copyright and intellectual property, industrial strategies, and ICTs for development; users, such as focused on fraud, child protection, decency, libel and control of hate speech; network policy and practices, including standards, such as around identity, and regulation of Internet Service Providers; and security, ranging from controlling spam and viruses to protecting national security.