The Rights of Children and the Right to Media

Organizers: ANDI – Comunication and Rights and ANDI Latin America Network
Supporting Entities: National Council on the Child and Adolescent – Conanda; Auçuba – Comunication and Education; Secretariat for Human Rights of the Office of the President of the Republic of Brazil
Sponsor: Petrobras
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This publication, a part of the package of activities of regional scope developed by the ANDI Latin America Network, offers a broad analysis of 10 key themes designed to ensure positive movement across the region toward the development of programs to guarantee, promote, and protect the rights of children and youth in the media field.
The objective is to provide support to public officials, civil society organizations, and business firms in implementing shared solutions to strengthen a media ecosystem guided by democratic principles and the need to offer young generations content capable of contributing to their full development.
Each chapter includes the following sections:
– Overview and conceptual framework of the issue
– Relevance for the rights of children
– Successful initiatives in countries outside Latin America
– Initiatives under development in Latin America.
10 strategic themes:
1. Media education in the school system
2. Stimulating quality audiovisual productions for children
3. Regional and national programming
4. Participation of children and youth in the production of media content
5. Regulating broadcast images and identifying/identity of children and youth
6. Systematic evaluation of the impact of audiovisual content
7. Establishing programming times and age classifications (TV Ratings)
8. Regulating children's advertising
9. Child entertainers in the media
10. New Technologies – promoting inclusion and strategies for social protection